Seminar: Higher Education: advances and challenges in Latin American countries, held at IFCS-UFRJ
Affirmative Action Policies in Higher Education: Brazil and Peru
Tanto o Brasil quanto o Peru têm políticas de ação afirmativa no ensino superior que visam promover a inclusão de grupos historicamente marginalizados. No entanto, existem algumas diferenças entre as práticas adotadas por esses dois países. No Brasil, as ações afirmativas no ensino superior têm sido implementadas principalmente por meio de programas de cotas raciais e sociais. As cotas raciais reservam uma porcentagem de vagas para estudantes negros, pardos e indígenas, enquanto as cotas sociais beneficiam estudantes de baixa renda. Além das cotas, o Brasil também adota a política de bônus na nota do vestibular para estudantes de escolas públicas.
Both Brazil and Peru have affirmative action policies in higher education that aim to promote the inclusion of historically marginalized groups. However, there are some differences between the practices adopted by these two countries.
In Brazil, affirmative actions in higher education have been implemented mainly through racial and social quota programs. Racial quotas reserve a percentage of places for black, mixed-race and indigenous students, while social quotas benefit low-income students. In addition to quotas, Brazil also adopts a bonus policy for entrance exam scores for public school students.
Professor Luma Doné, from UnB, presented the main points of affirmative action policies in the Lecture "Inclusion in Brazilian Higher Education in recent decades" at the Seminar held at UFRJ.
In Peru, affirmative actions in higher education have focused more on scholarship programs and financial incentives for students from rural and indigenous communities. Furthermore, the Peruvian government has implemented social inclusion programs and access to education for vulnerable groups, such as native Amazonian peoples.
Professor at PUC Peru, Yolanda Rodriguez, detailed the policies implemented in Peru in the presentation "Perú: Advances and challenges of the inclusion policy in higher education".
O governo do Peru, promulgou uma norma que altera a lei universitária e estabelece o licenciamento permanente das universidades.
Carmela Chávez, pesquisadora da Grade, destaca que esta medida representa a destruição do sistema de garantia de qualidade.